Tari Teruna Jaya Angklung Kebyar
In 2019, Gamelan Tunas Mekar was invited to perform at the annual Pesta Kesenian Bali (Bali Arts Festival) or PKB in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. We performed a number of compositions ranging from traditional to Kreasi Baru (new creation) on both Gamelan Anklung and Gamelan Gong Kebyar. You can find more videos from our 2019 performance at PKB on our Youtube channel. This was the 2nd time in Tunas Mekar’s history that the group performed at PKB, the first time being in 1998 (?).
Tari Teruna Jaya is a composition for Gamelan Gong Kebyar, however this version was transposed for Gamelan Angklung by our teacher Pak I Made Lasmawan, and features guest dancer Ni Dewa Ayu Dewi Larassanti.
2022 Denver Mayor’s Awards for Excellence in Arts & Culture Global Award
The Arts & Culture Global award is presented to an individual or organization that has brought Denver’s arts and culture to the national or world stage. Nominees for this category have received national or international recognition through collaboration, media coverage, or grant dollars received.
Bali World Culture Celebration 2022
First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is.